
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Well, our dance was a success!! All of that worrying was indeed for nothing, as it went better than we had ever expected! I don't have exact numbers, but we sold around 200 tickets, and then our silent auction was a much bigger success than we ever dreamed. When all is said and done, I think the total raised will be over $3,000, to be split between the Taylor family and ours. We are thrilled, and excited that the cost of one plane ticket was almost paid for in one night!

So many thank you's to hand out: to the friends and family who came out to support us and show their love, to the friends and family who bought tickets even though they couldn't be there, to the people who bid like crazy on the silent auction items, to those who baked delicious treats for the dessert buffet, to my dad for helping us find auction items, to our church for allowing us to have the event there, to all of the donors of silent auction items, and especially to Sarah Taylor for asking us to do the fundraiser with them and for being such an awesome partner throughout the process!

AND, not only was the night a financial success, but I think it was a lot of fun! There was dancing (mostly by the under age 10 set :), doorprizes, a dessert buffet so huge that despite everyone's best efforts to clean it out, there were a lot of leftovers, and a silent auction room constantly crowded with people stalking their bids!

Thank you, thank you, thanks for your support and love!

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