
Friday, May 27, 2011

Good News/Bad News (But mostly good!!)

Let me just say that in all of the weeks of worry I had leading up to our preliminary hearing, the one worry that never crossed my mind was whether we wouldn't even hear the results all day. Ethiopia is seven hours ahead of us, so I assumed that we would know for sure by early afternoon (late evening there). Well, the whole day came and went. By 6 pm, I was going crazy. I had been virtually useless all day, too nervous and on edge to get anything done. I started to realize that since it was 1 am there, odds were good we weren't going to hear anything, and I was beyond bummed. Luckily, we got a phone call shortly after that, and had our answer...whew!

The good news is that we do indeed get to travel for our court hearing. The judge didn't see any problems with our paperwork or our case. Praise God! The not so good news is that the MOWA letter we need for our hearing was not there. There is still a chance it will be there by Thursday, which is when we really need it. Someone just posted on a message board I frequent that 6 families with her agency who did not have the letter at that first hearing, DID have it at the second. So prayers are definitely still needed that our letter makes it!!

If our letter isn't there in time, we will still go to court, and our passing it will just be pending the letter arriving. We expect that would add a few weeks to a month onto our timeline. It's a little bittersweet to go, not knowing whether we will officially be Gabby's parents by the time we leave. But we'll take what we can get!! At this point, I just want to meet her, kiss her all over, smell her sweet baby smell, and hold her as much as possible to make up for all the months we weren't able to. Plus we are thrilled to finally SEE the country we have been reading and dreaming about for all these months!

It is sooooo surreal to me that after all this time of dreaming of her, the moment we will finally meet her is a very short ways away. We are coming, sweet girl!!!

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you!!!! Can't wait to follow your journey to Ethiopia!!!!! I'll be praying for a successful court date.
