
Monday, May 2, 2011

Prayer Request

I'm having a cruddy day today. There is still all kinds of talk about MOWYCA really going to only 5 letters per day, and this makes me so sad I can't even put it into words. I'm trying really hard to try to have faith that things will work out fine, but it's hard to remember that sometimes.

But more importantly for us right now, we still haven't heard our court date. We know they must be getting really close to us. We were submitted March 28th (5 weeks ago today), and I have heard of people with various agencies submitted on March 22nd and March 29th getting dates over the last week, so I know we have to be close. But nothing yet, and it is so unbelievably difficult to sit and wait, never knowing the day we will finally get to meet our sweet girl. Everytime the phone rings, my heart jumps with the hope that it's going to be our program coordinator Lesley calling with good news, and when it isn't, I get sad all over again. As I have mentioned a few times, I am a total control freak, so being this much out of control of the situation stinks.

We got new pictures of Gabby (have I mentioned on here that we have chosen the name Gabrielle Elise?) over the weekend, and while we were so happy to see her looking happy and healthy and well-cared for, they break our heart at the same time because we just want her to be here with us. It's been almost 3 months since our referral, and we still don't even have a court date yet. So I am asking, if you are the praying kind, for prayers for us (and another family with our agency, the Godwins, whose new daughter is almost the same age and who was submitted the same day as us for court). Please pray that we hear a court date soon (today would be great!). Please pray for us to have patience and calm while we wait. And if you are into praying for the long term, a little prayer that whenever we do go for court our letter is there would be nice too.

We waited a good long time just to be submitted for court, and at one point in the process, I really felt we had hit a point where progress just wasn't going to be made without prayers of intercession on our behalf. Shortly after that, we learned we had been submitted. I feel like that again now. So prayers are greatly appreciated. If you aren't the praying type, we'd happily take speedy, happy thoughts! :)

Not much else to report...Chad is done training for the mini and is resting his legs until Saturday. I am working on a very noticeable shirt for him to wear during the race, and the kids and I can't wait to cheer him on! We painted Gabby's room last week and I just painted the chair rail today, so progress is being made there. Hopefully soon she will be here to enjoy it!